1:1 sessions are currently only offered during select times throughout the year.

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So many of us have heard the phrase, “the answers you seek are already inside of you.”

But how do we access this clarity and trust it when we are mired in self-doubt, confusion and conflicting inner voices?

When we have the support of a guide who knows how to hold space for us, listen for our inner knowing, and reflect it back to us, we are able to come into a deeper relationship with our truth.

Through the mirroring of a skilled practitioner, we come to know this part of ourselves as real, present and powerful.

Without that mirror, our minds can sometimes convince us that what we know to be true in our hearts, the answers that we sense from our inner knowing, are incorrect.


Coaching Sessions are designed to help you develop your self-trust, which allows you to access more clarity, confidence, and direction. When we are honoring and embodying who we are in our fullness, we create healing for ourselves and those we impact through our presence.

“Every time I have a session with Allison, I feel clearer, more aligned, and more like myself. It’s easy to get caught up in our day to day life and obligations and responsibilities, but Allison has an innate and special skill to bring you back to you, the real you— so you can actually hear your own intuition. Her intuitive guidance sessions are nothing short of magical, acting as the mirror that you need in that exact, specific moment.” - Carrie M.

how I work

One of my gifts is my ability to listen underneath the words that you share, and reflect back what I perceive. 

While I share what I hear, I always respect the primacy of your own knowing.

My intention for our work together is to strengthen your connection to your own inner wise guide to support you in deepening your trust in yourself.

To support this intention, sessions include time to:

  • Listen for your own intuition

  • Explore how the reflections I share land for you

  • Map out next steps together

This work is for you if you feel aligned with any of these statements:

  • You feel somewhat empty, disconnected from yourself and/or others, ‘blocked’, confused, and/or are not feeling confident and in your power when making decisions.

  • Your life is not feeling satisfying, true to you, or in alignment with your gifts, and you’re wanting to take steps to get closer to expressing your purpose in the world.

  • You are working with a challenge or question that feels confusing and you’d like some clarity and direction that doesn’t tell you what to do, but supports and reflects your own knowing.

  • You are interested in developing your self-trust.

  • You identify as sensitive and are struggling with how to anchor and bring your gifts through in this world.

This work is not for you if:

  • You are seeking psychological counseling and support (I am not a counselor, psychologist or therapist).

If this work resonates with you, I would be honored to work with you!

*Please note that I do not work with any persons under the age of 18.

1:1 Sessions are currently offered only at select times during the year

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